Nail Fungus

Nail Fungus

Nail Fungus services offered in Near John C. Lincoln hospital , Phoenix, AZ

Nail fungus is rarely painful but can cause your toenails (and sometimes your fingernails) to fade, pit, and crumble. Board-certified dermatologists at Dermatology Associates, with two offices in Phoenix, Arizona, specialize in evidence-based treatments for nail fungus that can restore the smooth texture of your natural nails. Call either Dermatology Associates office or book an appointment online for antifungal nail care by medical professionals today.

Nail Fungus Q & A

What does nail fungus look like?

When you think of fungi, you might think of mushrooms. While mushrooms are a type of fungi, nail fungus doesn’t look the same. Instead, the infection changes the color and texture of infected nails. It usually starts as discoloration. 

You might have nail fungus if your finger or toenail is:

  • White, brown, or yellow
  • Lifted
  • Pitted
  • Dry
  • Powdery
  • Thick
  • Split down the middle
  • Falling apart

You don’t normally feel nail fungus: The condition is painless. If you neglect treatment for a fungal toenail, the nail may cause discomfort when you wear shoes. 

How did I get nail fungus?

Anyone can get nail fungus, not just people with poor hygiene or unhealthy lifestyles. Nail fungus shows up when a fungal infection affects your fingernails or toenails, though nail fungus is far more common on the toes than the fingers. 

You might be at an increased risk of nail fungus because of:

  • Your age
  • Time spent in the water
  • Going barefoot
  • Sweaty feet enclosed in shoes
  • Poor circulation in your feet
  • Certain medical conditions like diabetes or athlete’s foot

You can get nail fungus because of skin-to-skin contact with someone else’s nail fungus or indirectly by walking in a moist environment without shoes on. You can also get it from sharing personal items like nail clippers or bath towels with someone else. 

How is nail fungus treated?

Medical professionals at Dermatology Associates plan and conduct your nail fungus treatments. Before you begin treatment, the team might collect samples of your nail fungus for lab testing. This lets them confirm your diagnosis so you can get the appropriate treatment. 

Your nail fungus treatment may consist of some combination of:

Applied medications

Some nail polishes and other applied products to treat nail fungus while still allowing your nail to grow. You must follow your dermatologist’s instructions, which may include weekly or daily applications. 

Oral medications

You can take many antifungal medications by mouth, usually for more aggressive cases of nail fungus. 

Nail removal

Nail removal isn’t always necessary but can get rid of the fungal infection when other strategies can’t do so. The team can remove your nail nonsurgically using chemicals or surgically using physical tools.

Call Dermatology Associates or schedule a fungal nail evaluation online at either office today.