

Hives services offered in Near John C. Lincoln hospital , Phoenix, AZ

Hives are a common allergy symptom, but you can also get them because of infections, medications, or causes you can’t identify. The board-certified dermatologists at Dermatology Associates, with two offices in Phoenix, Arizona, can evaluate your hives and identify their causes or triggers. They can also treat your symptoms when the cause is unknown. Schedule an evaluation for your hives by phone or online at either Dermatology Associates office today.

Hives Q & A

What do hives look like?

Hives (urticaria) are a common skin symptom and a type of rash. Instead of a broad area of redness, hives cause tiny inflamed bumps to appear across your skin. Sometimes, hives look more like raised patches than bumps. Either way, hives tend to be very itchy. 

You can get hives across large or small areas of skin: You might get many or just a few. They commonly appear on the:

  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks
  • Back
  • Chest
  • Upper arms
  • Thighs

Some people develop hives on the mucous membrane, the tissue that lines the inside of your eyelids, nose, and other areas. Just like hives on regular skin, these can be itchy and swollen. 

What causes hives?

Two main categories of hives include acute (short-term) hives and chronic (long-term) hives. Acute hives tend to be episodic and often appear in response to allergens and other substances that irritate your skin. You might get acute urticaria in reaction to:

  • Food allergens
  • Medication allergens
  • Chemicals
  • Fragrances
  • Metals
  • Antibiotics
  • Insect stings

Chronic hives appear from other causes, which are often hard to identify. In many cases of chronic hives, the underlying cause is an autoimmune reaction of some sort. These happen when your immune system attacks otherwise healthy cells that exist in your own body. 

Sometimes it’s easier to identify triggers of chronic urticaria flare-ups than the underlying condition causing them. Your hives might become itchier and more visible because of tight clothing heat, or food sensitivities. 

How are hives treated?

Dermatology Associates treat acute and chronic hives based on their main underlying cause. If the cause of your hives is unidentifiable, the team provides treatment to reduce inflammation, itching, and flare-ups. 

Most milder cases of acute hives go away within a few days, and you can treat symptoms with antihistamine medications. If your hives don’t go away in a few days, visit Dermatology Associates for advanced testing and personalized care. 

Depending on what’s causing your hives, professional treatment might involve light therapies, antihistamines, topical corticosteroids, oral medications, or injectable medications. The team might also suggest home care like soothing baths or avoiding triggers. 

Call the Dermatology Associates office or schedule an appointment online to have your hives evaluated today.